"Helping international business owners and investors succeed in America and local businesses grow domestically and abroad."

French FDI Investor Obtains E-2 Investor Visa for Acquiring a New York City Restaurant.

Over the years, MAROUS LAW has been highly successful in obtaining E-2 Investor Visas for foreign entrepreneurs who wish to enter the United States market by providing a “substantial investment” in a company located in the U.S. Investments by such international investors are known as Foreign Direct Investments and constitute a real stimulus for the economic engine of our country.

After only 8 months from being retained, MAROUS LAW was pleased to see a few days ago one of its international investor-clients granted the coveted E-2 Investor Visa. The happy beneficiary is a French investor in the restaurant industry, who acquired and revamped a highly successful French café in New York City.

The process of obtaining an E-2 Investor Visa can be challenging and tedious just by the level of scrutiny applied by the government. In this case, to make matters worse, the Firm had the constraint of a limited timeframe to obtain the E-2 Visa due to (1) the terms of the acquisition (the seller wanted a quick sale) and (2) the need to keep the client’s legal status current since he was already in the U.S. (his other visa was soon to expire).
Despite the added pressure, MAROUS LAW was able to guide the client through its systematic step-by-step process, work efficiently and, ultimately, ensure that government agencies issued the E-2 Visa in a timely manner.

As a result, the U.S. economy received a welcome infusion of cash and New Yorkers can enjoy the revamped French Café in downtown Manhattan for a few more years.

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