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We wish to keep you up to date with the most recent news happening at MAROUS LAW GROUP, P.C. and the industry that we belong to. Please read the updates below and check back regularly for more news.

DASNY Closes on $7 Million TELP Financing for The Arc New York.

Ending the year on a high note, on December 28, 2018, MAROUS LAW helped its client close on a public finance transaction in the amount of $7,039,058.57. The Firm served as co-bond counsel to the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (“DASNY”) in connection with The Arc New York’s (formerly NYSARC) participation in … More..

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High Profile Influencer Receives the Right Legal Advice for Her Business and Avoids Public Embarrassment.

In late November 2018, MAROUS LAW was retained by a national high-profile influencer, activist, writer and lecturer, to create various operating documents for her previously formed limited liability company. After a few meetings with the client and conducting due diligence, it became apparent that while the client was very successful professionally, the business structure she … More..

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The InterAgency Council Secures $14,250,000.00 through DASNY bond financing.

On August 15, 2018, MAROUS LAW, acting as co-bond counsel, facilitated the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York’s (“DASNY”) issuance of $14,250,000.00 of DASNY revenue bonds under its InterAgency Council Pooled Loan Program. This transaction (Series 2018A), represented the 25th of such issuance under this program. DASNY is a public benefit corporation of … More..

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56 NYS School Districts raise $585,230,000.00 through DASNY bond financing.

On June 7, 2018, and July 2, 2018, MAROUS LAW closed on a two-parts public finance transaction (Series 2018A-E) for the total amount of $585,230,000.00. The Firm served as co-bond counsel to the Dormitory Authority of the State of New York (“DASNY”) in connection with DASNY’s issuance of its municipal bonds under its School Districts … More..

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