Business & Corporate Law
At MAROUS LAW, we provide a broad range of corporate and business services to small and mid-size…
Business & Corporate Law
International Transactions
Our attorneys have served as counsels for emerging and established corporations and other business…
International Transactions
Public Finance
Our public finance practice consists of highly experienced attorneys, primarily serving as bond counsel…
Public Finance
Foreign Direct Investments
At MAROUS LAW, we regularly advise our international clients on investing in the Unites States. One of the most popular…
Foreign Direct Investments
Real Estate Transactions
Through our Real Estate practice, we can assist you in locating, negotiating and acquiring…
Real Estate Transactions
Commercial Litigation
Commercial litigation is a strategic tool in the MAROUS LAW toolbox that allows us to effectively…
Commercial Litigation
Corporate Immigration
For foreign investors and business owners, expanding a business to the U.S. can be a real challenge…
Corporate Immigration
Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) Compliance
In 2021, Congress enacted the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA) to curb illicit finance.