"Helping international business owners and investors succeed in America and local businesses grow domestically and abroad."

International Real Estate Investor Collects 100% of Court Judgment, after Years of Litigation.

As the popular saying recognizes “The wheels of justice grind slowly but grind exceedingly fine.” It could have also added “especially when you have a diligent and persistent attorney on your side.” The fact is that litigation is the costliest method of dispute resolution of our legal system; in term of time, stress, effort and money. Still, sometimes it is the only option available to a party to attempt to recover a loss or correct a wrong.

MAROUS LAW understand that dilemma well; that is why the Firm only uses litigation as a last recourse; especially in commercial litigation where business interests must be taken into consideration. In such situation, litigation is a business decision and, once made, it is crucial to understand that it could be a long-term play.

In this particular case, an international real estate investor had a dispute with a real estate developer. The dispute ended in court and in 2015, after over 2 years of litigation, a judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff (the Firm’s client). Despite that, the defendant failed to pay any part of the judgment promptly. At that point, MAROUS LAW pushed forward and, after another year, was able to obtain that the New York City Sheriff Office seize defendant’s assets. For the last 2 years, the Firm has collected partial payments on the judgment but finally, a few days ago, collected the final payment. It is noticeable that, in the end and despite the delay, the client recovered 100% of the judgment amount; which included actual damages, costs and interest. Fine grind indeed.

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